Monday, October 1, 2012

Being a Buddy

Since October is National Down Syndrome Awareness Month, I thought I would do two important things:

1.       Accept the 31 for 21 Blog Challenge, and

2.       Tell you about the Down Syndrome Buddy Walk

Six years ago, Tricia, from the blog Unringing the Bell, had an idea for raising awareness during National Down Syndrome Awareness Month.  She challenged bloggers to write every day for the 31 days of October to draw attention to Trisomy 21.

Since over 12% of Shepherds College students have Down syndrome, I thought I would accept the challenge and do what I can to make people aware that not all productive members of society have a mere 46 chromosomes per cell.

For a list of the other bloggers writing for the 31 for 21 Challenge, please visit Michelle’s blog, Big Blueberry Eyes. Link these blogs to your Facebook and Twitter pages and help us promote acceptance and inclusion of people with Down syndrome all over the country.

One way Shepherds College does this every year is by participating in the Down Syndrome Buddy Walk at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Students, staff and parents walk the trails through the zoo wearing Down Syndrome Awareness Month t-shirts to draw attention to the cause and promote inclusion between friends of every ability.  This Sunday, Shepherds College had a noticeable presence there with 45 people in attendance!

Our students enjoy taking part in the walk. They learn that they can make a difference, even change the way a society thinks, by the contribution of their time, energy and care. They also have the opportunity to witness a community banding together to support people with disabilities – just like them.

Love, support and acceptance are sweet, sweet things - so necessary to feel in our lives, and so essential to generously offer to others. 

Another important lesson learned at Shepherds College.

Shepherds College - Guiding Your Transition to Appropriate Independence. Please visit us at

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