Monday, November 26, 2012

A Blog from Kelsie

The final blog in the Make A Difference blog series from the students of Shepherds College

Kelsie is a third year student in the Culinary Arts program.

Why I Came to Shepherds College

The reason I came to Shepherds College is to grow more independent – to learn how to do things on my own. My future plans are to move to Georgia and start working my way to be a chef.

I was born blind in my left eye so the doctor put a patch over my right eye for a little while. I ran into the wall.

I couldn’t talk for a while so my parents used sign language with me.

My favorite Bible story is when Jesus fed the 5,000. Why? Because it shows that Jesus is in control and that He is always with us.

My favorite class at Shepherds College is Personal Bible Study because Miss Fye, now Mrs. Cyr, taught. She is one of my favorite teachers here.

I have a question for God. How could He love me so much that He sent His only Son to take my punishment for me?  I just don’t understand why He would do that for me.

Shepherds College - Guiding Your Transition to Appropriate Independence. Please visit us at

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